As cunning as a fox who's just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University.
“I wanted to cry.
I also wanted to go to my laboratory and prepare an enormous batch of nitrogen triiodide with which to blow up, in a spectacular mushroom cloud of purple vapor, the world and everyone in it.” – Speaking from Among the Bones
My favourite chemist/sleuth is back!
It’s almost time for Easter in Bishop’s Lacey and what better way to celebrate than by opening the crypt of the patron saint of St. Tancred’s church. This intrigues some, like the ever-curious Flavia, and infuriates others, like the bishop. Feely has taken up the position of organist since Mr. Colicutt, the organist before her, has disappeared, seemingly with no regard for his duties nor his admirers in Bishop’s Lacey. When said former organist is found dead in St. Tancred tombs a police investigation follows... which naturally means Flavia is five steps ahead of them. But for the first time it seems Flavia has competition from other sleuths!
“There's an unwritten law of the universe which assures that the thing you seek will always be found in the last place you look. It applies to everything in life from lost socks to misplaced poisons. . .” – Speaking from Among the Bones
Wih the threat of losing Buckshaw still looming Flavia muses what is to become of them, where will they go. Father gets a phone call and acts even more distant and strange than usual. Flavia continues to mature, how can she not after being through four murder mysteries already, and it sometimes confuses her. She continues to learn about her mother, a very sweet subplot in light of the fact that Flavia seems to be the spitting image of her mother but never knew her.
“Was sorrow, in the end, a private thing? A closed container? Something that, like a bucket of water, could be borne only on a single pair of shoulders?”
– Speaking from Among the Bones